Upcoming: Classes, Events & Workshops

Meditation | Wednesday | with Floating Leaf Community
Floating Leaf Community joins each week for Meditation. This group has a long relationship to our Cedar Cabin. With expansive mindfulness in consciousness, they welcome all to join.
Donations for participation are welcomly accepted. Please donate directly to the Floating Leaf Community upon arrival.
There is no online sign up for this event. Floating Leaf is independently owned and operated. Please contact them directly for any questions or for more information.

MidDay Movements Flow | 12:10pm | Instructor: Sonya Tatro
An excellent class from all levels. Timed to be a lunch time fix of 45 minutes to get ya going for the rest of the day. Let’s flow but not get too sweaty. (Perfect for it you have to make it back to work.) Leave feeling revitalized and ready!
All levels welcome
All mats and props provided. BYOB please feel free to bring your own blanket for your Savasana experience.

Relax + Restorative | 7 PM | Instructor: Allie Setterquist
Tuesday | 7 PM | Instructor Allie Setterquist
In today’s world we tend to constantly operate in a state of low grade stress response. The goal of this practice is to provide space and time for you to shift your body and your mind out of the Sympathetic response (fight or flight mode). Into the parasympathetic response (rest and digest) mode. Expect long holds, luxurious supports with props, relaxing music, and gentle alignments for those interested.
All Levels Welcomed and Encouraged. All props and mat are included for class.

Gentle Flow | 5:30 pm | Instructor: Allie Setterquist
An excellent class for beginners or those wanting to fine tune their practice. Instruction will be at a slower more intentional pace which allows the breath to guide basic postures with ease. Modifications (adapting a pose to best suit your personal body mechanics and structure) will be taught, giving each individual the opportunity to fully experience each pose.
All levels welcome
All mats and props provided. BYOB please feel free to bring your own blanket for your Savasana experience.

MidDay Movements Flow | 12:10pm | Instructor: Allie Setterquist
An excellent class from all levels. Timed to be a lunch time fix of 45 minutes to get ya going for the rest of the day. Let’s flow but not get too sweaty. (Perfect for it you have to make it back to work.) Leave feeling revitalized and ready!
All levels welcome
All mats and props provided. BYOB please feel free to bring your own blanket for your Savasana experience.

Sunday Slowdown Deep Stretch | 12 PM | Instructor: Sonya Tatro
Sunday | 12 PM | All Levels | Location: Homer In-Studio
A class that’s wonderful for beginners and more advanced yogi’s alike who are looking for a bit of release. Expect slow flows with longer holds in postures to help students get deep into fascia and find more flexibility within their bodies. Great for releasing tension and stress!
DS is a welcoming, safe and comfortable environment. All levels welcome
All props and mat are included for class.

Vinyasa Sunday Wakeup | 10 AM | Instructor: Sonya Tatro | All Levels
Sunday | 10 AM | All Levels | Location: Homer In-Studio
An all levels class to get the body moving and heart rate up. Unroll your mat, strengthen the body and mind. Explore balance postures and entry level arm balances as we flow through sun salutations and connect our movements with breath. In this hour of asana alignment we will look for where we have last week clogged up in our bodies and make space for next week's adventures!
We will spend time working with breath and body to release and open so we can transition into our flow. Bring something to let go of, leave with something to look forward to.
All levels welcome . All props and mat are included for class.

CommUNITY Flow | Donation Based | 11 AM | Instructor: Revolving
All are welcome here at Dharmic Spruce. We believe yoga is for EVERYONE and we share that for all. An inclusive opportunity for our community to experience yoga in a safe, comfortable and fresh space. Classes will be gently guided with attention to aligning breath with movement.
This class can vary in practice style per instructor. Including Practice Range: All levels Flow, Restorative, All levels/beginners practice, Yin/Yin Flow, Deep Stretch.

Yoga 101 | 9:30 AM | Instructor: Allie Setterquist
Yoga 101 | 9:30 AM | Instructor: Allie Setterquist
Yoga 101- This class focuses on the foundations of yoga. Poses will be broken down to focus on alignment and connecting breath to movement. Experience beginner breath work and be introduce to meditation. All are taught in a safe, comfortable environment. Great for beginners or for experienced practitioners who are looking to refine their practice.

Friday Night Bliss | 5:30 PM | Instructor: Britt Huffman
Friday | 5:30 PM | All Levels | Location: Homer In-Studio
A 60 minute class packed with feel good movement matched with an upbeat vibe. Mild flow movement, partnered with uplifting music will surely help to shake off the work week. You will leave this class feeling refreshed, relaxed and ready for anything!
All Levels Welcomed and Encouraged. All props and mat are included for class.

MidDay Movements Flow | 12:10pm | Instructor: Branden Elde
An excellent class from all levels. Timed to be a lunch time fix of 45 minutes to get ya going for the rest of the day. Let’s flow but not get too sweaty. (Perfect for it you have to make it back to work.) Leave feeling revitalized and ready!
All levels welcome
All mats and props provided. BYOB please feel free to bring your own blanket for your Savasana experience.

Meditation | Wednesday | with Floating Leaf Community
Floating Leaf Community joins each week for Meditation. This group has a long relationship to our Cedar Cabin. With expansive mindfulness in consciousness, they welcome all to join.
Donations for participation are welcomly accepted. Please donate directly to the Floating Leaf Community upon arrival.
There is no online sign up for this event. Floating Leaf is independently owned and operated. Please contact them directly for any questions or for more information.

MidDay Movements Flow | 12:10pm | Instructor: Sonya Tatro
An excellent class from all levels. Timed to be a lunch time fix of 45 minutes to get ya going for the rest of the day. Let’s flow but not get too sweaty. (Perfect for it you have to make it back to work.) Leave feeling revitalized and ready!
All levels welcome
All mats and props provided. BYOB please feel free to bring your own blanket for your Savasana experience.

Relax + Restorative | 7 PM | Instructor: Allie Setterquist
Tuesday | 7 PM | Instructor Allie Setterquist
In today’s world we tend to constantly operate in a state of low grade stress response. The goal of this practice is to provide space and time for you to shift your body and your mind out of the Sympathetic response (fight or flight mode). Into the parasympathetic response (rest and digest) mode. Expect long holds, luxurious supports with props, relaxing music, and gentle alignments for those interested.
All Levels Welcomed and Encouraged. All props and mat are included for class.

Gentle Flow | 5:30 pm | Instructor: Allie Setterquist
An excellent class for beginners or those wanting to fine tune their practice. Instruction will be at a slower more intentional pace which allows the breath to guide basic postures with ease. Modifications (adapting a pose to best suit your personal body mechanics and structure) will be taught, giving each individual the opportunity to fully experience each pose.
All levels welcome
All mats and props provided. BYOB please feel free to bring your own blanket for your Savasana experience.

MidDay Movements Flow | 12:10pm | Instructor: Allie Setterquist
An excellent class from all levels. Timed to be a lunch time fix of 45 minutes to get ya going for the rest of the day. Let’s flow but not get too sweaty. (Perfect for it you have to make it back to work.) Leave feeling revitalized and ready!
All levels welcome
All mats and props provided. BYOB please feel free to bring your own blanket for your Savasana experience.

Sunday Slowdown Deep Stretch | 12 PM | Instructor: Sonya Tatro
Sunday | 12 PM | All Levels | Location: Homer In-Studio
A class that’s wonderful for beginners and more advanced yogi’s alike who are looking for a bit of release. Expect slow flows with longer holds in postures to help students get deep into fascia and find more flexibility within their bodies. Great for releasing tension and stress!
DS is a welcoming, safe and comfortable environment. All levels welcome
All props and mat are included for class.

Vinyasa Sunday Wakeup | 10 AM | Instructor: Sonya Tatro | All Levels
Sunday | 10 AM | All Levels | Location: Homer In-Studio
An all levels class to get the body moving and heart rate up. Unroll your mat, strengthen the body and mind. Explore balance postures and entry level arm balances as we flow through sun salutations and connect our movements with breath. In this hour of asana alignment we will look for where we have last week clogged up in our bodies and make space for next week's adventures!
We will spend time working with breath and body to release and open so we can transition into our flow. Bring something to let go of, leave with something to look forward to.
All levels welcome . All props and mat are included for class.

CommUNITY Flow | Donation Based | 11 AM | Instructor: Revolving
All are welcome here at Dharmic Spruce. We believe yoga is for EVERYONE and we share that for all. An inclusive opportunity for our community to experience yoga in a safe, comfortable and fresh space. Classes will be gently guided with attention to aligning breath with movement.
This class can vary in practice style per instructor. Including Practice Range: All levels Flow, Restorative, All levels/beginners practice, Yin/Yin Flow, Deep Stretch.

Yoga 101 | 9:30 AM | Instructor: Allie Setterquist
Yoga 101 | 9:30 AM | Instructor: Allie Setterquist
Yoga 101- This class focuses on the foundations of yoga. Poses will be broken down to focus on alignment and connecting breath to movement. Experience beginner breath work and be introduce to meditation. All are taught in a safe, comfortable environment. Great for beginners or for experienced practitioners who are looking to refine their practice.

Yoga 101 | 9:30 AM | Instructor: Allie Setterquist
Yoga 101 | 9:30 AM | Instructor: Allie Setterquist
Yoga 101- This class focuses on the foundations of yoga. Poses will be broken down to focus on alignment and connecting breath to movement. Experience beginner breath work and be introduce to meditation. All are taught in a safe, comfortable environment. Great for beginners or for experienced practitioners who are looking to refine their practice.

Friday Night Bliss | 5:30 PM | Instructor: Britt Huffman
Friday | 5:30 PM | All Levels | Location: Homer In-Studio
A 60 minute class packed with feel good movement matched with an upbeat vibe. Mild flow movement, partnered with uplifting music will surely help to shake off the work week. You will leave this class feeling refreshed, relaxed and ready for anything!
All Levels Welcomed and Encouraged. All props and mat are included for class.

MidDay Movements Flow | 12:10pm | Instructor: Branden Elde
An excellent class from all levels. Timed to be a lunch time fix of 45 minutes to get ya going for the rest of the day. Let’s flow but not get too sweaty. (Perfect for it you have to make it back to work.) Leave feeling revitalized and ready!
All levels welcome
All mats and props provided. BYOB please feel free to bring your own blanket for your Savasana experience.

Meditation | Wednesday | with Floating Leaf Community
Floating Leaf Community joins each week for Meditation. This group has a long relationship to our Cedar Cabin. With expansive mindfulness in consciousness, they welcome all to join.
Donations for participation are welcomly accepted. Please donate directly to the Floating Leaf Community upon arrival.
There is no online sign up for this event. Floating Leaf is independently owned and operated. Please contact them directly for any questions or for more information.

Exploratory Movement Beginners Flow | 4:30 PM | Instructor: Britt Huffman
Wednesday | 4:30PM | All Levels | Location: Homer In-Studio
Exploratory movement is a 60 minute class curated to be fun and educational! This is the perfect class for beginners who want to get more technical with their poses. Basic postures are taught a slow and thoughtful pace while paired with intentional breath work. Modifications and props are going to be shown. We will also explore asanas and the variations to boost your body awareness.
All levels welcome!
All props and mat are included for class.

MidDay Movements Flow | 12:10pm | Instructor: Sonya Tatro
An excellent class from all levels. Timed to be a lunch time fix of 45 minutes to get ya going for the rest of the day. Let’s flow but not get too sweaty. (Perfect for it you have to make it back to work.) Leave feeling revitalized and ready!
All levels welcome
All mats and props provided. BYOB please feel free to bring your own blanket for your Savasana experience.

Relax + Restorative | 7 PM | Instructor: Allie Setterquist
Tuesday | 7 PM | Instructor Allie Setterquist
In today’s world we tend to constantly operate in a state of low grade stress response. The goal of this practice is to provide space and time for you to shift your body and your mind out of the Sympathetic response (fight or flight mode). Into the parasympathetic response (rest and digest) mode. Expect long holds, luxurious supports with props, relaxing music, and gentle alignments for those interested.
All Levels Welcomed and Encouraged. All props and mat are included for class.

Gentle Flow | 5:30 pm | Instructor: Allie Setterquist
An excellent class for beginners or those wanting to fine tune their practice. Instruction will be at a slower more intentional pace which allows the breath to guide basic postures with ease. Modifications (adapting a pose to best suit your personal body mechanics and structure) will be taught, giving each individual the opportunity to fully experience each pose.
All levels welcome
All mats and props provided. BYOB please feel free to bring your own blanket for your Savasana experience.

Slow Flow & Yoga Nidra | 7PM | Instructor: Kate Lomac-MacNair
The class will begin with of gentle flow practice, linking movement with breath to ground and relax the body and mind, preparing practitioners for Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra is a practice of sleep with trace awareness for deep relaxation and subtle spiritual exploration through guided meditation. Benefits include increased vitality, reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep patterns, emotional and physical healing, clearing of negative thoughts, and encouraging love and compassion for self and for others. New and experienced yogis are welcome to join on this blissful trip into your own quiet.

Art of Flow | 5:30 PM | Instructor: Kate Lomac-MacNair
Art of Flow | 5:30 PM | Instructor: Kate Lomac-MacNair
Art of Flow is a dynamic flow class linking graceful movement with breath to cultivate heat, strength, and flexibility. This class focuses on developing a foundation while offering the opportunity for each yogi to nurture their unique flow. The blend of mindful asana sequence, dynamic movement, music, philosophy, and inner reflection create a sweet synthesis of mind body awareness and delve beyond into the spirit and evolution of the soul. Each class is unique and designed to develop grace, balance, endurance, and awareness. This class welcomes all levels from beginner to advanced practitioner.